Call us: 07233-246614, 246015

Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya, Pusad

Dist. Yavatmal (M.S) 445216.


About IQAC

To promote performance evaluation, assessment, accreditation, and quality improvement in higher education institutions, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, recommends that all accredited institutions establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation measure to sustain quality. In line with this, the IQAC was established in December 2003. Recognizing that quality enhancement is an ongoing process, the IQAC is designed to integrate into the institution's system and focus on achieving and maintaining quality standards. Its primary role is to develop a structured approach for conscious, consistent, and proactive improvement in the institution's overall performance. The IQAC plays a vital role during the post-accreditation phase, directing the institution's efforts and initiatives towards achieving academic excellence. The IQAC will specifically focus on the creation of an institution-wide synergy imbibing the constituent efforts and feedback of the stakeholder's viz. the teaching and non-teaching staff, the students, alumni, parents and others to generate quality sustenance and enhancement on the following areas as envisaged by NAAC: Curricular aspects, Teaching Learning and Evaluation Research, Extension and Consultancy, Infrastructure, Student Support and Services, Governance and Management and Innovation and promotion of Best Practices.


P.N.College, Pusad

Yavatmal, Pin 445216 (Maharashtra) India

07233-246614, 246015

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