Call us: 07233-246614, 246015

Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya, Pusad

Dist. Yavatmal (M.S) 445216.


Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies & Functions

Vision of the IQAC

  • To foster and sustain a culture of quality dedicated to achieving holistic excellence at the institutional level.

Mission of the IQAC

  • To streamline and organize institutional efforts towards academic excellence, serving as a catalyst for quality enhancement by addressing shortcomings and promoting continuous improvement.

Objectives of the IQAC

  • To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To increase institutional functioning's clarity and concentration in order to improve quality and make it easier for people to ingest the quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
  • To institutionalize several best practices and improve and integrate the institution's diverse activities.
  • To offer a solid foundation for choices that will enhance institutional performance.
  • To improve internal communication; to serve as an agent of change inside the organization.


IQAC has evolved mechanisms and procedures for-
  • Ensuring that academic, administrative, and financial activities are completed on time, effectively and progressively.
  • The caliber and applicability of research and academic programs.
  • Fair access and affordability of educational opportunities for different societal segments.
  • Modern teaching and learning techniques are optimized and integrated.
  • The validity of the assessment processes.
  • Making certain that the support system and services are adequate, maintained, and distributed appropriately.


Expected functions of the IQAC are:
  • The creation and implementation of quality standards and guidelines for the institution's numerous administrative and academic endeavors and establishment of the institution's quality culture.
  • Assisting in the development of a learner-centered environment that supports high-quality instruction and the development of faculty members to embrace the necessary skills and tools for a participative teaching and learning process. .
  • Plans for parents, students, and other stakeholders to provide input on institutional procedures pertaining to quality.
  • Information sharing on a range of higher education quality metrics. A record of the numerous initiatives and activities that contribute to quality enhancement.
  • Planning workshops and seminars on quality-related topics both inside and between institutions, as well as encouraging quality circles.
  • Networking with other Indian and international institutes and exchanging research findings.
  • Serving as the institution's nodal agency for organizing activities linked to quality, such as the adoption and sharing of best practices.
  • Using MIS to develop and maintain an institutional database in order to preserve or improve the quality of the institution.
  • The creation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR), which must be submitted to NAAC in accordance with its rules and specifications.
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P.N.College, Pusad

Yavatmal, Pin 445216 (Maharashtra) India

07233-246614, 246015

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