Call us: 07233-246614, 246015

Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya, Pusad

Dist. Yavatmal (M.S) 445216.


Department Of History

Department of History


The Department of History came into existence in 1961-62 with the objectives of imparting the knowledge about History. The department has 02 full time faculty. The teachers of the Department participate in Co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The teachers of the Department actively participate in the academic activities.

Learning resources

The department has a departmental library with 130 books. The college has a well equipped library with a total number of 2775 books. Journals, periodicals and news clips are made available in the library for the students.


P.N.College, Pusad

Yavatmal, Pin 445216 (Maharashtra) India

07233-246614, 246015

Fax : 07233-246614

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